Tuesday, November 16, 2010


“Tis the season” and the holidays are generally a challenging times for those working to stay focused on healthy eating goals. Why wait until January to perhaps “begin again”. Join Karla Whitley, R.D., L.D. for a one hour class and learn how to navigate through the weeks to come successfully. Make it a gift to yourself, a little early. We will discuss the tips, tools and motivators to help you remain focused on your goals while still enjoying the holiday season.

Where: The Aeon Studio: 4809 Cole Ave., Ste 110, Dallas, 75205.

Three different class times are offered to accommodate busy schedules.

November 30th, Tuesday : 12 noon-1 p.m.

December 1st, Wednesday: 7-8 p.m.

December 4th, Saturday: 2-3 p.m.

For questions and for more information contact Karla at 214-763-7552 or karla@aeonhealth.com Class fee is $25.00 per attendee. Those who wish to attend will need to RSVP as space is limited .